The CISO's Myopia
60min Talk - Business
Location: Trophy Room - 10/25/24, 3:00 PM - 10/25/24, 3:45 PM (America/Kentucky/Louisville) (45 minutes)
The CISO's Myopia
Jordan Bonagura
Jordan Bonagura

Information Security Researcher, CEH
Hacking is NOT a Crime Advocate
Stay Safe (Magazine and Podcast) Founder.
Computer Scientist, Post Graduated in Business Strategic Management, Innovation and Teaching
Organizer of Vale Security Conference – Brazil
Director Member of Cloud Security Alliance Brazil
Advisory Member of Digital Law and High-Tech Crimes OAB (Association of Brazilians Lawyers)
IT Professor and Course Coordinator
SJC Hacker Space Founder
Speaker (AppSec California, GrrCon, Angeles Y Demonios, BSides Augusta, Bsides SP, H2HC, Silver Bullet, Seginfo, ITA, INPE, BalCCon2k14, etc)

Imagine what it would be like to manage your company without your customer’s data or if the data was in your competitors’ hands.
The experiences your customers acquire over the years as well as their database are fundamental and represent a great competitive edge in this new corporate era.
Keeping this in mind we realize the importance of implementing specific policies to build a base to guarantee the safety of these data, but I will show how the “limited” vision of some CISO's can impact on fool vulnerabilities making the company with serious security issues.