Code of Conduct at Hack Red Con 

The Code of Conduct is designed to deliver the safest possible environment for everyone who attends Hack Red Con. We are committed to ensuring that everyone who attends the event, including speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, staff, volunteers, and all other participants are treated with respect and dignity.

To create this safe environment, the following behaviors are not allowed:

  • Harassment in any form, including bullying, threatening, stalking, intimidation, microaggressions, insinuations, or unwanted comments that are hurtful or interfere with any other attendee’s experience
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, including unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature, comments or jokes about a person's sex life and sexual orientation and sexual violence, stalking, or other forms of intimidation
  • Violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person
  • Possession of a weapon or any item that can harm or cause injury to others (this includes but is not limited to knives, firearms, and explosives)
  • Offensive behavior or language in any form (written or verbal) against gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, veteran status or religion
  • Offensive behavior and language (verbal or written) that may disrupt the conference and any other event in the conference
  • Unwelcome or unauthorized photography or recording including within the event environment for use on social media or other platforms without the prior permission of the individuals or owners of the content therein.
  • Tampering with any equipment or other elements within the event environment, including but not limited to lighting, sound systems, and video screens
  • Drinking and smoking in an irresponsible manner

How to report unacceptable behavior?

We all want a safe and respectful environment, please be mindful of the needs of others and their surroundings, especially if you are the first person to encounter an issue. If you feel harassed in any way or have witnessed unacceptable behavior, please report it immediately by contacting us:

Hack Red Con


Phone number: 502-684-8400