PTSD for you and Me (working title)
30min - Fireside Chat
Location: FireSide - 10/26/24, 12:00 PM - 10/26/24, 12:25 PM (America/Kentucky/Louisville) (25 minutes)
Nate Johnson
Head of Security
Nate Johnson
Head of Security

I’m the Head of Security at Real Chemistry, which means I do a lot of updates and
paperwork most of my day. I’m uniquely situated to have a lot of experience across a lot of facets of the industry. I have a mastery in absolutely nothing. I’m a firm believer in the passing of knowledge and openly sharing any experiences that may help others keep from making my mistakes. The stove is hot, I still touched it, now I’m telling you.

But beyond that, I've fallen off my tower of what I thought PTSD was based on my experience, and I'm here to share that experience and hope to have a group discussion on opening up about what made me me, you you, and our experiences that shaped us.

Do you need to have been shot, stabbed, or beat up to have PTSD? What about being in a gruesome accident, seeing a horrible scene? Where does the line for PTSD start and who determines that, the gate keepers?

I was a Firefighter/EMT, was a bouncer in clubs in Vegas, and I was in the Military during our times of war; but I'm hear to talk to you about how I truly learned what PTSD was from an 18 year old kid, who never saw combat, or had anything but I good life (from what I saw).