Event Hack Red Con 2024 starts on Oct 25, 2024, 10:00:00 AM (America/Kentucky/Louisville)
Fun With Protocols: Write a MITM Proxy with Rust
2Hr Workshop
Location: Workshop 1 - 10/26/24, 2:00 PM - 10/26/24, 4:00 PM (America/Kentucky/Louisville) (2 hours)
John Askew
Red Team Lead / Researcher
John Askew
Red Team Lead / Researcher

John Askew

John is an offensive security tester, software engineer, and occasional public speaker. He has been working in offensive security since 2007, and has more recently gained an interest in vulnerability research and network MITM attacks. One time he even found a vulnerability in Microsoft Kerberos. Still, he might or might not have any idea what he is doing... attend his talk and you can decide for yourself.



Workshop Description:

With sufficiently specific tools, all bugs are obvious. If you have hunted for web app vulnerabilities, you know how powerful a proxy like Burp Suite or ZAP can be for gaining understanding of an app, and how easy it can be to spot certain vulnerabilities just by inspecting the HTTP traffic. But HTTP is not the only protocol, and sometimes the same basic vulnerabilities exist in other places, just underneath the surface.

In this session, we will walk through the steps to create your own MITM proxy tool for a common network protocol using the Rust programming language. Learning objectives include cargo project setup, message parsing & encoding, network connectivity, and error handling. 
By the end, you should have a minimal but functional proxy that can be extended for different attack scenarios. A working understanding of TCP/IP is strongly recommended. Some basic familiarity with Rust is also recommended, but not required. 

If that sounds like fun, fire up VSCode and let's get hacking!